Welcome to the tribe!
Hello there, my name is Mmule Setati, wife and mother, older sister, daughter and mom to two incredibly busy young boys. My family, friends and my social media followers are ‘my tribe’ and the driving force behind Feed My Tribe. Little did I know that my past, and my love for food, would lead me on this incredible journey.
My parents were still students when I was born, so much of my childhood was spent with my maternal grandparents in a small West Rand township called Mohlakeng. There is no doubt that my love for food was inspired by my grandmother Stella. At 12 years old, I vividly remember rushing home from school to enjoy a crusty tuna sandwich while watching Jamie Oliver and Nigella’s Feasts on TV, not knowing that I was planting a seed that would later become my love for the culinary arts. Food has also been a therapeutic tool for me; I have cooked my way through the most painful situations. Grandmother Stella had an amazing energy that people from the neighbourhood loved. Her house was never quiet, with a yard teeming with kids from ‘next door’. Her friends’ boisterous laughter constantly filled the home. She had her own tribe.
Growing up with my grandmother meant I spent a lot of the time in the kitchen with her (we rarely had take-outs). My grandparents didn’t have a lot, but they made do with the little they had and every meal tasted like a feast; I don’t know how she managed it. Sundays were the highlight of every week because ‘the tribe’ would gather at No. 4420. My parents, aunts, uncles and neighbours were all there to enjoy my Gran’s Sunday feast. Looking back, I remain wonderstruck by her ability to create a winning meal seven days a week. I can barely get to Thursday without negotiating with my husband to have sandwiches for dinner!
Fast forward to 2018, when my husband and I travelled to Croatia, I experienced a culinary awakening! The flavours, freshness and authenticity in the meals led me to committing to by love for food. Immediately after returning home, started my Instagram cooking page and ‘Feed My Tribe’ was born. I wanted to demonstrate how to make food the whole family can enjoy, without having to cook separately for the kids. I aimed to highlight tasty, quick meals for moms and dads who were terrified of the kitchen, as well as for couples who wanted to impress their significant others. Since starting ‘Feed My Tribe’ I have attracted a diverse following. What I never imagined – and has touched me greatly – is that it has also become a space for healing; so many moms and wives have told me how I saved their homes or marriages with my meals, and it brings pure joy to my heart. They say ‘it takes a village’, but in this instance it takes a tribe. The cliché rings true: the way to a man’s heart – and, I believe, a way to my tribe’s heart – is through the stomach.
My meals offer simple, easy, nutritious options for the family, while also including delectable cheat meals. I love creating meals for weekdays that can be prepared in less than 30 minutes and are suitable for sharing; with 3 boys and a career I can’t spend hours in the kitchen. And in tribute to my love of travel, the meals often feature inspiration from the countries I have visited, as well as those on my bucket list.
So, from my tribe to yours, gather round and enjoy!
Connect with Mmule